In this edition, nine prizes will be awarded to those works best valued for their quality, excellence and originality.
The prizes to be awarded, with their chairs or funding entities are:
- R Chair Award: “To the most relevant in the field of security, understood in a broad sense, both cybersecurity in information and communications technologies and security issues applied to other areas”.
- Aldaba Chair Award – WIB (Women, ICT & Business): “To the most relevant leadership as first author by a woman”.
- NTT Data Chair Award: “To the most relevant in the field of diversity, social economy and promotion of equality”.
- CICAS Sngular Chair Award: “For the best work aligned with best practices in Open Science, Open Data, Open Access and Open Source”.
- ITG– ARQA Award: “To the most relevant work in quantum technologies”.
- CPEIG Award: “To the best work in which the first author is a student or a person with a degree in Computer Engineering”.
- ICT Cluster Award: “To the best poster”.
- ICT Cluster Award: “To the best oral communication”.
- CITIC Foundation Award: “To the most relevant in basic or theoretical research”.

Cátedra NTT Data Award: “To the most relevant in the field of diversity, social economy and promotion of equality”.
To: Lucas Alonso de San Segundo and Adriana Dapena for their work “Aplicación para tablet para trabajar las rutinas, el sentido del humor y la comprensión de los sentimientos a través de diferentes juegos en personas con TEA“.
Awarded: Luis María Hervella Nieto, Director of the Chair NTT DATA.
Collects award: Pedro García Cereijo.

Cátedra CICAS Sngular Award: “For the best work aligned with best practices in Open Science, Open Data, Open Access and Open Source”.
To: Eliseo Bao, Anxo Pérez and Javier Parapar for their work “Adapting Large Language Models for Underrepresented Languages“.
Awarded: Laura Castro Souto, director of the Chair CICAS-Sngular at UDC.

Cátedra R Award: “To the most relevant in the field of security, understood in a broad sense, both cybersecurity in information and communications technologies and security issues applied to other areas”.
To: Pedro García Cereijo, Paula Fraga Lamas and Tiago M. Fernández Caramés for their work “Sistema de almacenamiento seguro mediante IPFS y oráculos para aplicaciones descentralizadas basadas en blockchain“.
Awarded: Alfredo Ramos, R and MASMOVIL director.

Cátedra Aldaba – WIB (Women, ICT & Business) Award: “To the most relevant leadership as first author by a woman”.
To: Maria Oliveira, Raquel Simões de Almeida, Paulo Veloso Gomes, João Donga, Bruno Teixeira, António Marques and Javier Pereira, for their work “Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Reducing Public Speaking Anxiety: A Pilot Study“.
Awarded: Virginia Mato Abad, director of the Chair ALDABA-WIB at UDC.

ITG-ARQA Award: “To the most relevant work in quantum technologies”.
To: Iván Cillero Seijas, David Soler García, Francisco Javier Nóvoa Manuel, José Carlos Dafonte Vázquez, Ana Fernández Vilas and Manuel Fernández Veiga por su trabajo “Implementation of a User Anonymity Application using a Privacy-Preserving Entropy-as-a-Service with Quantum Security“.
Awarded: Gonzalo Blázquez Gil, Information Technology Area.

CPEIG Award: “To the best work in which the first author is a student or a person with a degree in Computer Engineering”.
To: Jorge Paz Ruza, Alex A. Freitas, Amparo Alonso Betanzos and Bertha Guijarro Berdiñas for their work “Aprendizaje Positivo sin Etiquetas para Identificar Nuevos Genes Relacionados con la Restricción Dietética“.
Awarded: Fernando Suárez Lorenzo, president of CPEIG.

Clúster TIC Award: “To the best poster”
To: Santiago Fernández-Noriega Balseiro, Iago Fernández Garrido, Jerónimo José Pardo Rodríguez, Laura Nieto Riveiro, Ángel Gómez and María Martínez Pérez for their work “CuidaconTIC: Captura y utilización de datos de wearables para la calidad de vida en los cuidados“.
Awarded: Antonio Rodríguez del Corral, Clúster TIC director.

Clúster TIC Award: “To the best oral communication”
To: Lara Pallas Quintela, Ángel Regueiro, Carlos Dafonte, Minia Manteiga, Raúl Santoveña and Daniel Garabato for their work “Removing Reddening to Enhance Gaia’s XP Spectra Clustering“.
Awarded: Antonio Rodríguez del Corral, Clúster TIC director.

Fundación CITIC Award: “To the most relevant in basic or theoretical research”.
To: María González Taboada and Hiram Varela Rodríguez for their work “Simulation of fluid flow through composite materials“.
Awarded: Jerónimo Puertas Agudo and Juan Ignacio Borrego Vázquez, Patronos de la Fundación CITIC.