
The conference will include a number of oral presentation and a single poster exhibition. The management committee, in consultation with the scientific committee, will decide on the form of presentation (oral or poster) for each contribution. All presenters will be notified in advance of the committee’s decision. Acceptance of proposals may be conditional upon improvements being made to the work as specified by the reviewers.

  • Proposals should relate to one of the following areas:
    1. Artificial Intelligence: Machine learning; artificial vision; natural language processing; intelligent autonomous robotics; kowledge representation and reasoning.
    2. Data science and engineering: Big Data; information retrieval; information systems; data analysis; simulation and optimization;
    3. High performance computing: HPC software; Big Data infrastructures; cloud computing.
    4. Intelligent networks and services: 5G wireless communications; Internet of Things; vehicular communication and intelligent transport systems.
    5. Cybersecurity
  • Anybody interested in participating in the conference should submit an abstract (max. 500 words) by 25 June 2021 5 July 2021. Abstracts should state the area of research involved, and may be written in Galician, Portuguese, Spanish or English.
  • It is required to register on Easychair platform in order to send abstracts (register on Easychair). Once registered, authors may send their proposals.
  • Each proposal will be assessed by two members of the scientific committee in order to determine its relevance to the conference themes and decide on which type of presentation (oral or poster) to recommend. Proposals may be selected for oral presentation or poster exhibition, or be rejected.
  • The list of contributions selected for presentation or exhibition will be published on the conference website on 19 July 2021
  • Researchers selected for participation (oral presentation or poster) will be required to submit an extended summary of their contribution by 5 August 2021. Summaries should be written in English, should be three pages length and follow the manuscript guidelines for the conference. Templates and instructions are available for Latex. Researchers can check how to upload their extended summary to Easy Chair in this video.
  • All contributions selected for the conference will be published with an individual DOI in a book of proceedings (published by MDPI). Last year’s book of proceedings is available here.
  • Posters and oral presentations may be written in any of the conference languages (Galician, Portuguese, Spanish or English). Only the extended summaries submitted for publication in the book of proceedings must be written in English.
  • Speakers must register on this form and send their presentations to by September 27, 2021.
  • The presentation templates can be downloaded from the following links: